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Remodeling Thoughts and Photos on "Thankful Thursday"

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Faith's Firm Foundation: Remodeling Thoughts and Photos on "Thankful Thursday"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Remodeling Thoughts and Photos on "Thankful Thursday"

We're remodeling.  As I look around me, I see packed boxes, empty boxes, the thirteen 12-foot-long boxes of new flooring lying in rows on the living room floor becoming "acclimated." There are painted walls in the living room, primed walls in the family room, and partially-prepped walls in the kitchen awaiting the next step before painting them this weekend.  (Meals need to be very simple right now, using tried-and-true recipes.)

There's no furniture in the living room now.  What furniture there is still in the family room is surrounded by boxes and tarps and lamps out of place.  Bedrooms and closets are in process of being packed up. (Laundry baskets full of clean laundry await someone with time and energy to put them away.)  Because we are laying carpet and new flooring on the whole main floor of our house, every room is affected right now except the two bathrooms.  Before we're done, they, too, will be torn up.  Right now, I affectionately call my home "Chaos Central."
"Before" Family Room
"Before" Living Room with railing
Remodeling is stressful on a family.  Change is not easy.  Impatience, irritability and inflexibleness have all made an appearance. It's tiring.  Energy flags, stamina lags, sleep is disrupted.  It's not always clear what should be done when, or in what order, to finish in time.  I want it done now.  At times, it's discouraging.  We have to be able to step back and see the big picture, envisioning the finished work which we hope will be beautiful.

If you can see past the debris and destruction, and the miserable mess, there is evidence of progress and even completed work everywhere.

A week ago "During" painting
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
A week ago "During" LR painting
The process of remodeling reminds me that God is doing a work in me and He's not finished yet.  He's changing me into the image of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.  The work is huge.  At times very messy.  I'm often impatient and discouraged with the process and tempted to think it will never get done.  But, God is a Patient Carpenter and Wise Master Builder.  He knows just what needs doing, and when, in order for all the work to be accomplished.  He knows precisely which tools to use.  He can see the goal of what He's going to make and He's able, skilled, and won't stop til' He's done.  I'm so thankful for "this house's" foundation of Jesus Christ, and that He was willing to move in and live in the house while the remodeling's going on.
Living in the mess of remodeling our home, I am awestruck at the patience of my Lord, to live in the mess of "remodeling" me, and I'm so grateful that He promises He will complete the work that He's begun in me.

To participate and read other thankful hearts, please visit Laurie at Women Taking A Stand.  Thanks, Laurie, for hosting this month!
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Blogger Jessica Kramasz said...

Its so hard to live in the midle of chaos! I hope the rest of the project goes smoothly.
And you are so right - God has a much bigger project in remodeling us!

May 19, 2011 at 8:45 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I came home motivated tonight to do what I could to bring just a little more order to the chaos. And every one chipped in, and things definitely look better. (So grateful to my whole family for all the work they've done!) The second coat of primer my son put on the family room walls really helped. My husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary tonight and that's a guaranteed way to make things at home look better:)

May 19, 2011 at 10:33 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Great post, Wendy.

We did a major remodel about two years ago. It was pretty disruptive, I agree. But the final result was a thing of beauty.

So many spiritual lessons in the whole process. And you have talked about some of the same things I thought. God sometimes has to cause a little disruption and upheaval (a lot??) in order to remodel us in His image!

GOD BLESS - and keep me posted on the project!

May 21, 2011 at 4:55 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I'd love to see your before and after remodeling photos, Sharon! My photos really don't show the worst of it, and it keeps changing. There's another analogy right there, and a reason to give grace to others, when we see them pretty "messy" spiritually speaking--we might be seeing God at work, doing a major re-do. He is in the business of changing things all the time in our lives.

To keep my sanity I set up the family room to be somewhat "in order" so I have a visually "quiet place" to go. You have to do what you have to do!

May 21, 2011 at 7:44 PM  

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